Friday, December 18, 2009

Last day before winter break...

Hello, Please click the link below to take your vocab quiz.

Vocabulary Quiz for 12/18

While you are home over break you may want to study for the CAHSEE. After all, graduating is cool!  Here are some suggestions.

Vocab Quizlet on CAHSEE 67 words you should know for the CAHSEE.  Some you know already.  I recommend you select "play scatter". You can also search for other CAHSEE related quizzes and quizzes for other subjects too.

The state website about the CAHSEE has released test questions you can download and practice with.

And you are also welcome to take home your workbook to work from.

Most importantly, READ! Read the newspaper, magazines, news articles online, books, instruction manuals, legal documents. You know what kinds of things show up on the CAHSEE, look for things like that to practice with.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Comedy and Tragedy

A great compliment to our Stage Directions video below, this one explains the differences between comedy and tragedy. Thanks for watching.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I just uploaded this short video on plot to teacher tube two days ago. It has already been viewed 160 times.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Stage Directions Video

This week our project was to create short 30-60 second educational videos about some of the terms and concepts we are learning about to prepare for the CAHSEE.  This is the first one we finished a few days ago.

Stay tuned for videos on Protagonist, Connotation/Denotation and many more!

Friday 12/11 GO POINTERS!

Vocab Quiz 12/11

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bonus Friday

Vocab Quiz 12/3 If you didin't take it yesterday.

Read this article about the way people use banks in San Diego.
After you read the article please use THIS FORM to write your answers about it.  You can go back to the article in another tab while you are writing about it.

When you finish the banking article check out this article about finding a place to live. It has some good tips. I like the one about how to figure out how much rent you can afford.

Craig's List is a place many people use to find a house or apartment.  Try several different searches using different key words and rental amounts.  See what you can find. What's the cheapest place for rent in your neighborhood? What's the most expensive place in San Diego?